LOOM rug 267×86 cm CELADON

LOOM Collection - CELADON

Size: 267×86 cm (2,30 m2)

Model: D51

Rug Number: 82373

Origin: India

Composition: bamboo silk and wool

The primary feature of the LOOM collection is color; solid, full colors give the wool and bamboo silk a special depth.

LOOM rugs are hand-woven with a blend of bamboo silk and wool. The combination of soft and velvety bamboo silk and the sturdy pure wool background creates a contrast of shades and irregularities that enhance and characterize this collection.

All LOOM rugs are available in different sizes, designs, and colors. Customizing each model by requesting special formats and colors is also possible.



557 EUR 445 EUR
article number:MH-82373

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LOOM Collection - CELADON

Size: 267×86 cm (2,30 m2)

Model: D51

Rug Number: 82373

Origin: India

Composition: bamboo silk and wool

The primary feature of the LOOM collection is color; solid, full colors give the wool and bamboo silk a special depth.

LOOM rugs are hand-woven with a blend of bamboo silk and wool. The combination of soft and velvety bamboo silk and the sturdy pure wool background creates a contrast of shades and irregularities that enhance and characterize this collection.

All LOOM rugs are available in different sizes, designs, and colors. Customizing each model by requesting special formats and colors is also possible.
